Home of the NashBI and NashSQL user groups

Noms & Nerds

We are excited to announce that in October we will be launching our Noms & Nerds dinner meetings. The idea will be to get a small group (under 12) together for dinner.  The hope is that we can start to build relationships with other professionals in the Nashville area. We’ll move the locations and days to try and get a greater audience. Since this is our first month we’ve not really decided on a location but will do so the Friday before. After this we’ll have a greater idea and will get these on the calendar. Know a great place for 12 or so folks to hang out, talk shop and get a good meal? Please send us an email and share your idea!

So what will we talk about? Bring your ideas! Don’t worry we’ll have a few topics to throw out if everyone is quiet. I promise these will get easier and be more fun the more times we host them.

Everyone will be responsible for their own tab.

We hope to see you there!
